We believe a beautiful life is one that celebrates the simple beauty of nature and we aim to honor that through the food we create. Alma Kitchen also believes in taking action to preserve that beauty. That’s why sustainability is at the core of everything we do and we are always looking for new ways to do our part to preserve the beauty of nature for generations to come.
We believe in planting it forward. That’s why for every box of one dozen shortbread purchased, a portion of the proceeds are donated to the Nature Conservancy which funds the planting of one tree. With your help, we have donated enough to fund the planting of over 1,000 trees.
Climate change is the biggest and most important challenge facing our generation. The rapid buildup of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases has already impacted our climate systems and it’s a problem we must solve together.
That means doing our part in working towards a low-carbon future. That’s why we have committed to a carbon neutral shipping policy to offset the CO2 emissions from the shipments we send to you.
No single person or organization can solve climate change alone. Creating a sustainable future for our environment is a journey and we urge you to join us.
We take great care in providing beautiful packaging while also ensuring as much as it as possible can either be reused or recycled. To help you understand how our materials can be repurposed, we’ve included a few ideas below.

Our stationary is made to grow! Made of seed paper, the entire notecard can be planted in soil and with regular watering, will soon grow wildflowers.

Our signature hard-cover box is designed to be repurposed. It’s the perfect size to store notecards, ribbons, craft supplies and so much more.

Our aspen excelsior, used to protect the shortbread in transit, is 100% biodegradable. Our silk ribbon can be reused to add a beautiful finish to other gifts for friends and family.